Client Testimonials

A black and white dog with a cute scruffy terrier face sits outside, enjoying the sunshine.

“I have dog training background myself, and am familiar with how to troubleshoot situations with my dog Phoebe - but even so, I often find it difficult to do the work myself. I have found, however, that Cade of Argot Animal Training is not only great at troubleshooting potential roots of my dog's behavior and seeking out further resources that may be applicable, but also at breaking down long-term goals into smaller approachable ones, and helping to dig up and maneuver around any personal barriers to these goals.

Sometimes dog training is as much about training the owner as the dog - and Cade has proven to be patient and reinforcing with me and Phoebe both!”

— Motley Rex

If you have worked with us and would feel comfortable with your experience being shared with potential clients on our website, please reach out! We always appreciate hearing feedback from our clients.

— Argot Animal Training