Secrets to a rock-Solid recall: Recall, Reward, Release!

My dog and I have recently moved from living in an apartment to living in a house. As you can imagine, a few things you focus on in training are a little different in our new space.

Some quick tips for those of you whose dogs are gaining access to a place to play off-leash, for recalls (coming when called):

1) Practice your recalls in a contained area, or on a long leash to set your dog up for success.

2) Reward recall Every. Single. Time. Successful recall can be a life-saving behavior! Make sure your dog knows coming when you call pays off - dogs do what works!

And the biggest one for making your yard bathroom breaks go smoothly:


Dogs do what works: if recall *always* predicts that fun run in the yard time ends, your dog won't think recalls are very fun to do! Recall, reward, release, more often than you recall to end the fun time or recall to do something unpleasant. Make sure the scales are weighted in favor of recall being the Best Thing Ever!

“Dogs do what works.”

Your secret weapon in cohabitating peacefully your dog is always just that: You know what your dog wants, and you have the ability to grant them access to it. If you make sure that the behaviors you want from your dog are what “work” to get your dog all the things dogs love, you’re well on your way to a happy, cooperative housemate.


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